Monday, November 25, 2013

The Kickoff: REFLEX Mixtape #20 Special ASIA TOUR

French duo REFLEX, simply nailed this mix! It's got a slew of my favorite tracks at the moment, mainly Edwin Van Cleef's new one. The two are about to embark on a little tour in Asia. To celebrate and kick things off, they put together this wonderful mix. Thanks guys!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Playlist: "Eclecticism" 11/23/2013

Really great show tonight! Things started off with the newest track from Perseus. I shared it on the show's Facebook page, but of course I forgot to post it here. Follow me on Facebook if you're not already! I promise you won't be disappointed! Enjoy the playlist! Yay, exclamation points!

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Kickoff: Edwin Van Cleef - Fall/Winter Collection 2013

I'm super excited to see Edwin Van Cleef return! It has been way too long. The Leeds-based producer comes back with a new mix for the cooler months, and also delivers his new single "Two Of Us." I threw that into the mix for last night's show. Make sure to grab the free download!

This mix has killer energy. It's 50 minutes of pure, unadulterated grooving. Welcome back Edwin! Don't leave!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Playlist: "Eclecticism" 11/17/2013

Thanks for tuning in this week! It was definitely one of those times where I accumulated way too much new stuff for the show. I'm most excited about new Edwin Van Cleef! Other than a Pheonix remix, it's been about a year since we've heard anything new from him. What's even better is that it's a free download. So grab that, and here's what went down tonight. Enjoy!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Kickoff: Boiler Room LA French Express Takeover

Coming off an awesome past week, I'm happy to start this off with more French Express. Their North American Tour just ended, and I'm sure all the nights were as delicious as the night at Output in Brooklyn. In case you missed the festivities, the French Express Boiler Room takeover is finally available for everyone's eyes and ears. I almost forgot to check back for it. So not only do you get one mix this week, but you get four! There's one each from Perseus, Moon Boots, Isaac Tichauer, and Jonas Rathsman. All the videos can be watched on the Boiler Room website, but I've posted the audio here. Really that's all you need. The video honestly bothers me. Most of the people in the Boiler Room must be deaf, because they're barely breaking into a shuffle. It's pathetic. I hope the disco gods come after you.  

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

John Parsley - Roshan EP

As I said at some point before, I should share my EARMILK posts with you here. This John Parsley EP is killer!

Monday, November 04, 2013

The Kickoff: Moon Boots - Kiss FM Mix

This week, at least until Wednesday gets here, I'm all about French Express. They've been touring, and finally the Brooklyn night is here. I was hoping their Boiler Room LA video would be up by now, but it's not. So to start this week off, I've turned to Moon Boots and his latest mix. It aired a little over a month ago for the UK's Kiss FM. Naturally, it's soulful and delicious--true French Express style. 

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Playlist: "Eclecticism" 11/3/2013

I hope you enjoyed the show this week! Sadly, next week, I won't be doing a show. I'll get someone to take care of you. And if you're in the New York area, my favorite French Express knight, Isaac Tichauer, will be playing in Brooklyn alongside Perseus, Moon Boots, and Jonas Rathsman. It's sure to be a great night!

French Express Label Night - November 6th @ Output - Brooklyn, NY