Today I thought I'd rock a little Russ Chimes. It was mainly inspired by this free download. All you have to do is follow this link and sign up for his email list. That's not a bad deal. A lot of artists seem to be taking advantage of this giving away a download when you subscribe to their emails thing. It's kind of genius, but what's going to happen when people are already signed up?
Per Byhring - Ettertid (Russ Chimes Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD -] by Russ Chimes
Look for a new single from Russ Chimes in May, and fan him on Facebook.
Also, check out Per Byhring. They've got some amazing stuff. It's nice and chill, much like something Ghostly International would release.
Keep reading for a little Midnight Club action. It's such an amazing EP.
Russ Chimes - Midnight Club EP COMPLETE TRILOGY from Russ Chimes on Vimeo.